Gravitational Force Calculator

Mass of object 1 ($ m_1 $)

$ \times 10 \text{ \^{} } $ $ \text{ kilograms} $

Mass of object 2 ($ m_2 $)

$ \times 10 \text{ \^{} } $ $ \text{ kilograms} $

Distance between object centers ($ d $)

$ \times 10 \text{ \^{} } $ $ \text{ meters} $

Gravitational constant ($G$)

$ \times 10 \text{ \^{} } $ $ \text{ N}\,\text{m}^2/\text{kg}^2 $




Gravitational force formula

$$ F = G \cdot \frac{m_1\,m_2}{d^2} $$ where $G$ is the gravitational constant in units of $ \frac{\text{N}\,\text{m}^2}{\text{kg}^2} $. $$ G = 6.67 \times 10^{-11}\ \frac{\text{ N m}^2}{\text{kg}^2} $$

Derivations from gravitational force formula

Acceleration due to gravity

$$ a = G \cdot \frac{M}{r^2} $$

Orbital velocity

$$ v = \sqrt{ G \cdot \frac{ M }{ r } } $$
$M$ is the mass of the body being accelerated towards or orbited in the above two formulas. $r$ is the distance between the centers of the two bodies. For the orbital velocity formula, it is the average orbital radius.